The Waiting List - How it Works
Pre-registrations for all Event Categories are now full, so only Waiting List registrations are now available.
You have secured a place on the Waiting List for your chosen Event Category and we will notify you on October 14 to confirm if you have been successful.
We expect some pre-registrations to be released, but with a growing number on the Waiting List, unfortunately we will not be able to accommodate all of you in 2020.
Below is a brief outline of the process from this point.
** The original dates we published, which you received via email, have changed to reflect pre-registrations closing early.
Key Dates:
October 01
- Entries Open for Successful Pre-Registered Swimmers
- Pre-Registered Swimmers must complete an entry BEFORE 12:00PM OCTOBER 14, otherwise it is released
October 14
- Available entries are released to Waiting List registrations (this is you)
- Successful Wait-List registrations are notified and have 48 hours to complete their online entry
- NB: Entries will be released to the Waiting List in time-order of your registration
October 18
- Early Bird Entries Open to the Public (if available)
- Any Event Categories with spaces available will go on-sale at Early Bird rates
If you have any questions about your Wait-List registration, or the event in general, please email us at
Team World Series Swims