Secure your spot for 2022
Hey gang! Everyone receiving this email has chosen to defer their Solo entry from 2021 - you can now complete your entry for Swim the Gold Coast 2022!
If you wish to use your deferral in 2022, we need you to complete this online entry form BEFORE MIDNIGHT FRIDAY NOV 19. We’d appreciate it if you can complete your entry ASAP, as all outstanding entries after this deadline will be deferred to 2023. To enter using your credit, please follow the instructions below...
SOLO DEFERRAL: - Entry Form:
- Enter Code 2021SOLOCREDIT in the field labelled ‘Optional Code’
- Select either the ‘Solo’ or ‘Tandem Solo’ category
PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THIS EMAIL as this entry form is only valid for entrants who are deferring from 2021. Please drop us an email if you have any issues with the form or codes:
Team WSS